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Research update on SIPs by BRANZ

Research update on SIPs by BRANZ

BRANZ is conducting research into the viability and efficiency of SIPs
March 14, 2022

BRANZ has released a video update on their testing of Structural Insulated Panels. Their goal is to give the wider building industry in New Zealand, a better understanding of how SIPs perform as well as a better consenting process for those looking to get into building with them.

Be sure to watch the video below

Who is BRANZ?

BRANZ is an independent research organisation that uses an impartial evidence-based approach to improving the performance of the New Zealand building system. We transform insightful research into trusted, accessible, and actionable knowledge. They are committed to lifting the performance of the building system in New Zealand so it can deliver better outcomes for all. This commitment underpins everything BRANZ does.

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